RTTN understands the technology transfer (TT) as a successful implementation and/or adaptation of an innovative technology, developed by one organisation, for the needs of another organisation(s)
RTTN applies the EU methodology of technology transfer / technological partner search and the respective 4-stage business process, used by all RTTN member centres:
Stage 1. Identification of the client’s technology transfer potential
This stage comprises a detailed acquaintance with the client organisation, identification of its technological competences and needs. Usually, it takes place in the course of a technology audit. As a result of a successful technology audit, an Action Plan is developed, which should lead to technological improvements, purchase of necessary technologies and/or expertise (know how).
Stage 2. Identification of technology profiles
A key information object of the applied methodology is a technology profile (a profile of a technology offer/request) that helps to exchange information between the RTTN member centres and with external users of this information. The structure of technology profiles ensures the amount of information necessary for attraction of interest and making the first notion of the offered technology, or for understanding the specific technological need of a company. RTTN uses an adapted format of technology profiles of the Enterprise Europe Network. This facilitates the national technology transfer, but also ensures information exchange within the transnational Network represented in 50 countries.
Stage 3. Searching partners for technological cooperation
Technology profiles make a basis for further promotion of technologies to the market or searching partners for receiving a technology or its joint development.
Partner search is implemented using the following tools:
- common database of RTTN’s technology profiles;
- brokerage events;
- technological missions;
- periodical newsletter «Transfer and commercialisation of technologies» ;
- information mailings, meetings, etc.
Stage 4. Negotiation and signing a Partnership Agreement
Received Expressions of Interest (EoI) in a profile discover potential opportunities for technological cooperation.
RTTN member centres ensure the follow-up of the primary contact between their clients and the potential partners – till an agreement on the transfer/ technological partnership is signed.
The follow-up process is critically important in the case of a transnational technology transfer, because of the cultural, legal, language differences, etc.